Sunday, February 26, 2012

2/26/2012 Update

Semi-recent picture -- I forgot I had this on my SD card. This is a fairly accurate picture of what I look like now (kewl happy trail). 

There are some things that I have recently changed in regards to my diet and how I lift weights:
  • I am starting to really cut down on calories during my work week. I only eat egg whites + protein shake for breakfast (alot of them), take my multi-vitamin/fish oils, lunch is ~8oz of chicken + spinach (no sauce), lift, then protein shake, then whatever for dinner -- usually more chicken/fish and spinach. Essentially a diet very high in protein, low in fat/carbs. I will get my fats from usually almonds. Carbs usually (hopefully) from vegetables.
  • Lifting, I've started to now not concentrate so much on how much weight I'm lifting.. but actually dialing down the weight and concentrating on achieving full range of motion with my lifts -- essentially going back to the basics of form > weight. I have also been focusing on contracting the muscle I am working out very hard at the end of every rep -- I really want to obliterate the muscle tissue and make sure I get a good pump. 
I've noticed forward progress with these two changes and will continue to try new things and see where they take me. Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


180.4 lbs
Keep moving forward !!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

2011 Update

Just to let everybody know, I'm still working hard! I told you I would get there and now I'm there and past it -- I'm setting new goals now.

Quick summary: I reached my original goal of 185, wasn't satisfied and went below to around 180. Figured I wasn't lifting enough so I joined the gym at my work (older crowd, not as crowded = more weights for me and happy Arthur). Started lifting and my weight went up to around 190. Now, I'm trying to peel back some of the fat on top and get some definition -- I'm not trying to get super big.

I'm currently 182.3 as of this morning. Still trying to cut.

Hard work pays off!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week... uh.. ? I'm late

Weight: 203.8

I'm late. I know.

But I'm making progress! I've learned to not go by the numbers -- they won't mean anything because I'm lifting and cutting at the same time. It was hard to get over not seeing the numbers go down, but I'm used to it now. I just go straight by the pictures.

Looking back at the previous pictures, I can notice changes. Very encouraging.

My next steps, would to be just continue eating right and staying active. Lifting/roadwork/heavybag on days I'm not playing basketball. I've been eating really clean so far, except for today when I had some chips and ice cream. But it was a long time coming. No more of that for a while.

The thing I've noticed though, is that my lifting numbers went down -- I lost some strength. It's okay though, I'm leaning towards just cutting more than gaining mass. I'm lifting to just maintain whatever amount of muscle I have.

More updates to come!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Week 3 Official Entry

Weight: 205.8
Fat: 9.9%
Muscle: 42.5%

Surprising numbers. They are a bit discouraging. I can't let this bring me down though, I have to keep working at it -- the results will show. I can't really tell much from pictures either, maybe it's because I look at myself everyday. If anything, my love handles are slimming down.. which is awesome.

I have increased my sprint speed though, but my overall strength went down. I think I really have to examine everything I do even closer than before. I think what I am lacking in, is sleep/rest. All it is, is eating right, working hard, and resting well.

I am eating fairly clean. I am now drinking a gallon of water everyday to flush everything out. I haven't been working out as much as other weeks because I strained a muscle in my neck which prevented me from moving it in any direction without experiencing sharp pains. It is gradually getting better. I hope I will be able to go back outside soon.

The journey is bumpy, that is to be expected. There will be obstacles, but I just have to persevere and push through plateaus.

Here we go!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I injured my neck.

I don't know how it happened, but I can't move my neck without experiencing sharp pains. I have been inactive for the past day.

I did take pictures though and will upload them in an update later today -- I've just been bed-ridden.

This will not make me falter my efforts to achieve a better me.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 1 Complete

Weight: 204.6 lbs
Muscle: 42.5%

First week has technically gone and past. I've lost around 2 pounds! Definitely excited about that. I can't falter my efforts though -- I can't let this mean I can cheat. Discipline is a must. I was out last night with friends and didn't eat/drink any alcohol barring one shot for the birthday boy.

I'm skeptical of the body fat percentage. Anything sub 10% should be cut, if not shredded. I'm going to disregard these numbers but still keep track of them just for curiosity.

My weight fluctuates day to day, which is to be expected. I just have to believe that I'm moving forward. I can't go strictly by the numbers because I am also lifting weights -- building muscle while simultaneously losing fat can blur the numbers because muscle weighs more than fat. So I have to go by looks/pictures.

Overall, good week.. especially since there was a Christmas feast! I may do more entries, I'm still figuring out how to track my weight pushed and calorie intake. That will come later.

Thanks for stopping by.