Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 1 Complete

Weight: 204.6 lbs
Muscle: 42.5%

First week has technically gone and past. I've lost around 2 pounds! Definitely excited about that. I can't falter my efforts though -- I can't let this mean I can cheat. Discipline is a must. I was out last night with friends and didn't eat/drink any alcohol barring one shot for the birthday boy.

I'm skeptical of the body fat percentage. Anything sub 10% should be cut, if not shredded. I'm going to disregard these numbers but still keep track of them just for curiosity.

My weight fluctuates day to day, which is to be expected. I just have to believe that I'm moving forward. I can't go strictly by the numbers because I am also lifting weights -- building muscle while simultaneously losing fat can blur the numbers because muscle weighs more than fat. So I have to go by looks/pictures.

Overall, good week.. especially since there was a Christmas feast! I may do more entries, I'm still figuring out how to track my weight pushed and calorie intake. That will come later.

Thanks for stopping by.

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